We adore you, Oh Christ, and we praise You, because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the World.
Stop and really look at this moment in the life of Jesus. What strikes you? What speaks to your heart? What do you think Jesus is feeling? What does it tell you about how much He loves you? Spend some time in prayer and listen to what Jesus is inviting you into.
As St. Leonard was devoted to the Stations of the Cross, we are making this the centerpiece of the 150th Anniversary, and every month we are highlighting one of the Stations. We invite you to pray and reflect on these monthly meditations to enter fully into the moment of Jesus’ Passion and to allow yourself to be transformed by the Cross.
“For my iniquities have overwhelmed me, they are like a heavy burden, beyond my strength” Psalm 38.5
Pope Benedict divides the three falls of Christ, as representing three different sufferings: The first one speaks of the fall of humanity in general, the second speaks of the falling away of Christians into secularism, and the third one speaks of the suffering Jesus endured and endures from the sinfulness within his own Church.
In this most intimate and painful suffering, we contemplate how often the Blessed Sacrament is abused, how often “He must enter into empty and evil hearts.” He asked, on any given Sunday, “How often do we celebrate only ourselves, without even realizing that he is there?” He invites us to reflect on the pain in Jesus’ heart when scandals occur, scripture is twisted and misused and when pride, complacency, apathy and especially division fill our church. Unbelief, hostility, and treachery have attacked the church from within, especially in the form of clericalism and sexual abuse.
And how does Jesus respond? In his heart, Our Redeemer seems to say: “For this was I born; for this I came into the world, that whosoever believes in me, should not perish, but will receive everlasting life“. Where sin is, grace abounds even more. Looking into our eyes today Jesus says: “I have come that you may have life and have it to the full; no one who comes to me, will I ever reject.”
Journal Questions:
Meditation offered by Father Michael DellaPenna OFM
About the artist: Adam Moniz is a Catholic Illustrator and Fine Artist who draws his creative inspiration from the beauty of our Lord. He is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Sacred Art at Pontifex University. Follow him at: www.atmonizarts.com or on Instagram @atm_adamtmoniz.