Stop and really look at this moment in the life of Jesus. What strikes you? What speaks to your heart? What do you think Jesus is feeling? What does it tell you about how much He loves you? Spend some time in prayer and listen to what Jesus is inviting you into.
3rd Station: Jesus Falls the First Time We Adore you, Oh Christ, and we praise you, because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world.
Meditation offered by Father Anthony Corcoran, S.J. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Jn. 15:13.
Jesus Christ…The Savior…Lord of Life…falls under the weight of the cross that He carries…. Is there a brief moment of silence amidst the raging noise from the crowd of jeerers who viciously mock Him? Does anyone in that tiny group of bold souls who dare to remain with Him attempt to encourage Him? Does He meet the loving eyes of His Mother? It is, of course, hard to fathom what happened at that moment—that day in history when the Divine crashed onto the dusty, rocky ground. But the most astonishing question for us regarding this scene is one that will change our lives completely and eternally: WHY?
Why would God fall? What would compel Him to embrace the burden of that cross—really, our cross—which for an instant appears to crush His strength? We know that falling is a part of every human life and of all of nature: everything that lives eventually falls. Falling is human; however, getting up again and choosing to take a step forward—regardless of what might happen next—is the miracle that Jesus teaches us to grasp. Jesus stood again to bring to fulness that which He began and so that we can rise—no matter what we have done, or others have done to us. Jesus is not so much interested in where we have been or what we have done or not done; He is interested mostly in wherewe are goingnow and if we really do love and trust enough to stand again and take the next step. Jesus, the Son of God, calls us “friends.” He lays down His life, His all for us—and so causes heaven and earth to meet. “Jesus, thank you for loving us perfectly. Teach us to love! Be with us when we fall and as we go forward.”
Journal Questions:
When have you fallen? What is keeping you from getting up?
What will your next step be? Do you really love and trust Jesus enough to stand again and take the next step?
About the artist: Adam Moniz is a Catholic Illustrator and Fine Artist who draws his creative inspiration from the beauty of our Lord. He is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Sacred Art at Pontifex University. Follow him at: or on Instagram @atm_adamtmoniz.